Most people are familiar with “Hakeem,” “Andre,” and “Jamal Lyon”– Terrence Howard’s ex Empire ‘kids,’ but very few of us know about his original kids.
He basically has 5 of them, but the aimed of this article will be on his 2 adult daughters because they look like a spitting personality of their talented Pops…just a lot prettier.
We also have a desire to show a softer side of the brotha who is familiar as the music mogul TV villain. Terrence portrayed the hell out of his Empire character so well, that for a while, it looked like like his true portrayal.

But, he is actually a dad to his kids and probably would never be as vindictive toward them when they don’t play by his principles, unlike his love-to-hate ‘Lucious Lyon’ role on the now canceled hit series. So without further ado ILOSM fam,’ meet T. Howard’s gorgeous mini-me’s below…
Aubrey is Terence’s eldest daughter and she’s 28 years old. She studied from, Howard University and now has an old cutest daughter of her own.

That’s right, Terrence officially became a proud grandpa. At the time of Aubrey’s pregnancy, she wedded to Billy Gayle, the dad of her daughter, and her Pops allegedly walked her down the isle.